The Top 10 Tips For New Startup
1. Persevere
You need to have passion. You’ll have ups and downs, but it’s the consistency to your approach and you know not giving up. It takes time to learn and you can get knocked back you know for quite a long time within the end you know you’ve got the particularly when you developed some MVP that you can show that makes it tangible. You need to show it to the market people and then know you can go from not having anybody interested in it.
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2. Try to choose who the best person is that you want on board. so it can be a complete reversal so persevere with your idea meet you it’s got a lot of utility, that’s important. You would need to get the right people around you. Because we’re not so good at certain things and I know for me if I didn’t have any of my assistants for example like she does the stuff that I don’t do this stuff that you don’t enjoy because there’s nothing worse than being in business and you know not enjoying what you’re actually doing.
3. The Market was basically telling you who are or are not interested in your product and you learn all the way along I think you have to be open to learning about your product and your approach. When you are open to learning from that, I think you can ultimately you will succeed what success actually.
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